Saturday, January 8, 2011

Monday Night Mayhem

I've been pretty tired this week, but I have also made a lot of things. Monday night was my first adventure in gluten free and sugar free baking. The result was edible--more savory than sweet as desserts go, but what a process!

The first step to making these was to put  coconut oil and unsalted butter into a dish and pop it in the microwave to melt altogether. That part was easy. It was even easy to add the 4 oz of unsweetened baker's chocolate and melt that into it one little piece at a time until it came out smooth.

I knew we were going to have trouble when the food processor was added as a tool. My food processor was a Christmas gift about 3 years ago. To this day, I have never gotten it to work properly. Monday was no exception. I had all of the ingredients into the processor with the blending blade ready to puree some almonds, avocados, black beans, agave nectar, and eggs together, pressed the button and...nothing. Not one sputter, cough, or moan. Just. Nothing.

So I quickly poured half of the ingredients into my blender. Thankfully, I have a nice blender (thanks Gram!) and it is pretty strong. But it sounded sick as it tried to chop up all those almonds to make into a paste. I got it done eventually, but it required adding just a bit at a time, emptying it, clearing out around the blade, toleration of the slight burning machine smell in the air, a few cuss words, apologies to Jesus, a few more cuss words, repeat cycle. God bless my Mom who called in the middle of all this mayhem and was sweet enough to help me through the process!

In the end, the brownies came out very dense and moist. They fill you up fast due to all the proteins I think, but I gave them to my guests on Thursday and no one complained. So either everyone is really polite, or they are actually pretty good. = )

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