Monday, October 18, 2010

Weekend Wining

 This weekend was full of fun. On Saturday, I looked out the window and saw how beautiful it was and decided it was time for a fall adventure. I decided to head out to a local winery called Pioneer Valley Vineyards in Hatfield, MA. I love fruit wines so I had a good time tasting them all--for free! The woman (who I believe was one of the owners) was so sweet and friendly.  I finally settled on these three. do see tomato wine. I don't think I will be drinking just a glass of it, but I thought it would be nice to cook with, as it has a very light, basily flavor.

I came home and baked a Swedish apple pie while sipping a glass of blackberry wine. That apple pie only took two apples since the apples I picked a few weeks ago were as big as a shotput! All you do is slice up some apples and fill them 2/3 of the way in the pie pan and sprinkle with cinnamon & sugar. On the stovetop melt 3/4 cup butter and add 1 cup GF flour, sugar, and one egg and pour it over the top. Bake for 40 minutes and you see the delicious goodness below!

 The day finished with a celebratory tea & cider date with my friend Jenny, listening to a man play some folky fun at the Thirsty Mind coffee shop. It was the first weekend I felt well in a long time so I'm sure I had a rediculous smile on my face the whole weekend long. It reminded me that migraines and pain aren't the only things life has in store and that joy always comes in the morning...

1 comment:

  1. Great new blog! I write a food blog myself so I'll definitely be stopping by here for inspiration!
