Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bring it On

So, one of the things I know about myself is that I love cheese...I mean actually Love It. As a little girl, my Meme would bring out the fromage and talk on in French about how much of a souris I was. Unfortunately, it's also the food I crave when I am frustrated, happy, sad, overwhelmed, tired, get the point. So, my challenge to myself for January is to keep away from particular, cheese. I am hoping that the break from my comfort food will remind me that comfort is supposed to be found elsewhere. I also want to try and use natural sweet alternatives in place of sugar as I cook and bake because I just really feel like that is a wise health-conscious choice. I hate the cliche that it is January and resolutiony and whatever, but in my defense, I often tend to have good reflective times on school vacations and this one happens to come first!

Tonight's meal: Thai Noodles w/Peanut Sauce & Spinach

It's not the lowest calorie meal what with the rice noodles and the peanut butter (around 450 cal) but it does leave you full and happy.
P.S. I have LOTS left over so if you want to pop over for some tomorrow night, give me a call!

The sauce is a mixture of: 1/3 cup Organic Chunky PB, 1/4 Cup Water, 1 T Rice Vinegar, 1 T Paprika, 1 T Minced Garlic, 1 T Agave Nectar, Sprinkle of Cumin

The Sauce was tossed into the cooked noodles with a chicken breast, fresh spinach, and green onion.

I think if I were going to make it again, I would try to find the flat rice noodles as I prefer them, but these were a $1.25 and I really couldn't argue with that.

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