Friday, January 28, 2011

In the land of Kush...

This is perhaps the most amazing book I have read in quite some time...maybe ever, save the Bible. Not since Anderson Cooper's memoir did I read a book like this from cover to cover in two days, while managing to go to work, pay bills, and attend appointments.

It is the story of the Lost Boys of the Sudan, and one would think from it's title that it's author would indeed believe that God grew tired of them, and for a little bit in his darkest days the thought did cross his mind. But instead of repeated despair as I read this, I was struck again and again by the joy and grace of God, written into page after page of this memoir.

Oh, it is haunting. The story of this peoples' survival is heart-wrenching and painful...the story of rebuilding that has only nearly begun. My prayer map marker is moving to Sudan this week, as I can feel my heartbeat moving and breathing with this people group as I pray for our world.

Again and again I was humbled by the words of truth in this book as I read, by the courage of survival, and the will to live and love. I think the last half of the book struck me on a new level, as education began to arrive in the refugee camps, and these children, who had not had a childhood, began to learn. Their hunger and thirst for knowledge overpowered my senses, and filled my own heart with understanding like none other.This learning caused John Bul Dau to create a foundation to bring a clinic to his home village and write his story to teach us all. I have been given gifts by that same God to educate His children.

To the God who carried these children through horror, to the God who promised to bring new life to Kush (current day Sudan) in the Bible so long ago, to the God who causes one man to write at the end of his memoir of heart-breaking sorrow and survival : God who has blessed me so many times, has outdone that God--my life is yours. Send me where you will.

New Updates: Southern Sudan has voted to secede from Northern Sudan. In light of all these peoples have endured, please be praying for this to come to pass and for safety in the transition.

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